Florida Chemical Exposure Lawyers

Construction Accidents Involving Chemical Spills

While many people equate construction site accidents with ladder and scaffold injuries, machine malfunctions, electrocutions, and falling materials, chemical spills are another danger that construction workers face on the job.  Building and demolition sites can contain all kinds of chemicals and that can cause workers to experience injuries and illnesses if spilled.  Where chemicals are highly toxic, a spill can even result in fatalities. 

The Florida Law Group offers a team of diligent and aggressive construction accident lawyers skilled in handling serious construction accident cases.  Our Florida chemical exposure lawyers understand that these types of incidents can cause construction workers to suffer severe injuries that can keep them off the job for a long period of time.  In some instances, the injuries and illnesses are so catastrophic that the individual is never able to return to the workforce.  Victims of these accidents are left wondering how they are going to support their families and pay for the medical care they need when they are unable to work.  Fortunately, the law provides a means for injured workers to obtain the compensation they need to recover and move on with their lives.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or illness due to exposure to chemicals while working on a construction site, we can help.  Our attorneys will thoroughly investigate the scene of the accident, interview witnesses and gather all the necessary documentation and evidence to support your claim.   We know that recovering fair compensation in these types of cases can be challenging, so we will do everything we can to ensure that you receive the money you deserve.

Type of Injuries and Illnesses Associated With Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

Chemical spills and the release of toxic fumes can be very harmful to construction workers. Depending upon the work environment and specific job duties, a worker might be exposed to many kinds of dangerous chemicals and substances such as pesticides, flame retardant materials, fuel, mercury, lead, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Workers who have been exposed to these types of caustic chemicals and other hazardous substances are at risk of suffering serious bodily injuries and even developing deadly diseases such as cancer.   Some of the common types of injuries associated with chemical exposure and inhalation of toxic fumes include:

  • Burns
  • Poisoning
  • Rashes
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Eye irritation
  • Organ failure
  • Respiratory and breathing problems
  • Cancer and other occupational illnesses
  • Neurological damage
  • Reproductive damage
  • Birth defects in their children
  • Death

Experienced Florida Chemical Exposure Lawyers Can Help You Recover Maximum Compensation for Your Injuries

Construction site workers who come into contact with hazardous substances from a chemical spill are at serious risk for injuries and illnesses.  Depending upon the substance, quantity, and type of exposure, the worker could suffer permanent disabilities or even death.  If you have been injured because of a chemical spill at a Florida construction site, it is imperative that you speak with a qualified personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.  

The chemical spill attorneys at our Florida law firm offer free case evaluations where we will review your options and help you develop a plan to get maximum compensation for your injuries.  While you may be eligible to collect workers’ compensation benefits under Florida law, you may also be able to pursue additional remedies for your losses and damages.  Our Florida chemical exposure lawyers will conduct a full review of your accident to determine all legal avenues available to you. Call us today at 833-352-5297.