Florida Birth Injury Lawyer

Vacuum Extraction Deliveries

When a vaginal delivery is difficult, and labor is not progressing, doctors may consider a vacuum-assisted delivery to help the mother deliver her newborn.  A vacuum extractor is a specialized medical tool that is sometimes used as a last resort to avoid a cesarean section.  In a vacuum-assisted delivery, the obstetrician or midwife attaches a suction cup device to the baby’s head to help move the child through the birth canal.  The vacuum extractor is usually utilized when the mother is pushing during a contraction. 

A vacuum extraction may be recommended when the mother has pushed for several hours but has not made any progress.  The process may also be recommended when the baby’s health is in danger or when the mother has a medical condition, such as aortic valve stenosis, that might limit her ability to push for an extended period of time.  While a vacuum-assisted delivery may be necessary in certain situations, it does put the newborn at risk for injuries.   Before electing to move forward with a vacuum extraction, the health care provider must make certain that both the mother’s and baby’s circumstances are right for the procedure.  If the provider fails to do so, both mother and child can face serious, life-threatening complications.

If you or baby has suffered an injury in a vacuum-assisted birth, a Florida birth injury lawyer skilled in handling cases involving vacuum extractor injuries can help.  The lawyers at our firm are experienced medical malpractice attorneys who are well respected throughout the Florida legal community.  Our attorneys know how to win difficult birth injury cases, including cases involving vacuum extraction births and deliveries.   

How a Vacuum Extractor Use Can Put Your Baby at Risk

While vacuum extraction is often used to avoid a more complicated cesarean delivery, the procedure does have risks and can be very dangerous when performed under the wrong circumstances.  Situations, where the use of a vacuum extractor may be contraindicated (not recommended), include:

  • When the baby is less than 34 weeks of age
  • The newborn’s head is unengaged
  • The position of the newborn is unknown
  • Cervical dilation is not complete
  • Forceps-assisted delivery has failed
  • When the baby has fetal macrosomia (fetus is too large)
  • When the baby has a bleeding disorder or other medical condition that would make a vacuum-assisted delivery dangerous

Complications and Injuries Caused by Vacuum Extraction Errors

When vacuum-assisted delivery devices are used under the wrong conditions or the physician performs the extraction incorrectly, the baby can suffer serious and potentially deadly injuries. These injuries may include:

  • Skull fractures
  • Scalp abrasions
  • Facial nerve damage
  • Erbs Palsy
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Bleeding in the eyes
  • Subgaleal hemorrhage (bleeding between the scalp and skull)
  • Brain bruising or swelling
  • Brain hemorrhage
  • Developmental delays
  • Stroke
  • Seizures

Our Florida Birth Injury Lawyer Can Help You Determine if You Have a Claim

Giving birth to a child is supposed to be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life. Unfortunately, mistakes can be made during the delivery process that can cause serious injuries and complications.  If you or a loved one has experienced an injury or death involving a vacuum extraction delivery error, you deserve to receive fair compensation for your losses and damages.  The Florida Law Group offers a team of experienced birth injury attorneys who will review your case to determine whether you may have a legal claim for medical malpractice. Call us today at 833-352-5297 to schedule a free case evaluation with a Florida birth injury lawyer skilled in handling cases involving vacuum-assisted deliveries.