Florida Broken Bones Lawyer

Birth Injuries Involving Fractures

Newborns can sustain many different types of injuries during labor and delivery, including broken bones.  The bones of an infant are different than adult bones.  Infant’s bones are comprised of a higher cartilage content that makes them softer and more flexible than adult bones.  While this bone composition makes it easier for the baby’s skull and shoulders to pass through the narrow birth canal, it also means that the baby’s bones are extremely fragile and prone to breaks and fractures.   

Although broken bones occurring during the labor and delivery generally heal within a few weeks, there are times when the injury may be more severe, requiring expensive, long-term medical treatment.  Moreover, if the bone fails to set correctly and/or complications such as a brachial plexus injury occur, the child may suffer permanent damage. 

If you think that your newborn has suffered a bone fracture it is important to talk with your medical providers to ensure that your baby receives proper medical care and treatment.   In many cases, the infant’s injuries were caused by medical negligence and you may be entitled to collect financial compensation.  A Florida broken bones lawyer at our firm can review your case to determine whether you may have a legal claim for medical malpractice against the doctor, hospital, midwife or other healthcare providers.

Broken Clavicles and other Fractures Sustained by Newborns During Birth

Bone fracture injuries occur in about one in every thousand childbirths. A broken clavicle or collarbone is the most common type of bone fracture that newborns suffer during delivery.   Other bone fractures that can occur during the labor and delivery process include fractures of the skull, hip, wrist, arm, leg, foot, and ankle. 

When a delivery is difficult and the infant is unable to progress through the birth canal, fractures are more likely to occur.  Factors that can increase the risk of the baby getting stuck in the birth canal, resulting in a clavicle or other fracture include:

  • Macrosomia (high birth weight)
  • Premature birth
  • Prolonged labor
  • Position of the baby is breech (feet and hips first)
  • Abnormal shape and size of the pelvis

When labor and delivery is not progressing properly, the doctor may try to turn or reposition the baby causing a bone to break.  The doctor may also use forceps or a vacuum extractor to assist with the delivery.  If used improperly, these techniques and tools can result in broken bones and other birth injuries.  Babies who suffer these types of injuries need to receive immediate medical care and treatment.  Serious complications can occur when a bone injury is left untreated, including damage to nerves and muscles, bone infections and blood clots.  In situations where the fracture fails to heal properly, the child may suffer lifelong impairments.

Discuss Your Situation with a Florida Broken Bones Lawyer Today

While some fractures are unavoidable during the labor and delivery process, many broken bones are due to medical negligence.  If you believe that a health care provider’s negligence or carelessness caused your child to suffer a broken bone or other birth injury, you should speak with a qualified lawyer as soon as possible.  An experienced Florida broken bones lawyer at our firm can examine your case and advise you of the legal options that may be available to you.  Call us today at 833-352-5297 to schedule a free case evaluation.