Did Your Doctor Fail to Address Fetal Distress During Labor?

The birth of a child should be a time of joy for you and your family, and your doctor should pay diligent and careful attention every step of the way to ensure you and your baby are safe and healthy. If your doctor fails to recognize the signs that your baby is in distress and does not take action, it can lead to serious injuries to the child, turning a happy time into a nightmare. If your doctor’s negligence had tragic consequences for you or your baby, hold him or her accountable with the help of the Tampa birth injury lawyers at The Florida Law Group.

Understanding the Causes & Symptoms of Fetal Distress

Fetal distress means that your baby’s health is in jeopardy and usually signals doctors to take immediate action. Medical standards reasonably expect a good doctor to know the causes and symptoms that alert them of possible fetal distress. We can compile data and evidence that proves that a doctor failed to recognize these signs and diagnose fetal distress.

Fetal distress can be caused by:

  • Prolapsed umbilical cord
  • Umbilical cord wrapped around baby’s head or neck
  • Baby being in breach or other unusual birth position
  • Detached placenta
  • Tear in uterus

Medical professionals have tools, such as fetal monitoring strips, that can measure data regarding a baby’s heart rate. If a doctor is attentive and alert to both you and medical resources, he or she should be able to identify when a baby is in danger and should take action immediately. Should a doctor fail due to negligence, we want to help you take action and receive any compensation you deserve.

Symptoms of fetal distress include:

  • Noteworthy change in baby’s heart rate
  • High level of acid in baby’s blood
  • Significant drop off of baby’s movement in womb
  • Evidence of fetal bowel movements in mother’s amniotic fluid

Tampa Birth Injury Attorneys Holding Negligent Doctors Accountable

Failure to address fetal distress can lead to many serious and lasting injuries for you or your baby and, in the most tragic of circumstances, it can also lead to death.

Babies in distress can be born with:

  • Hypoxia
  • Accelerated heart rates
  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Other serious developmental disorders

At The Florida Law Group, we understand that no amount of money can remedy the consequences of a doctor’s negligence during pregnancy or birth, but we want to ensure that you and your family are covered for any medical costs or future expenses that resulted from the injury. Doctors are trained, trusted, and well-paid to do their jobs and should be held accountable for failing to practice their duty to care and take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of you and your baby.

Call 813-513-9537 for a Free Consultation

If the birth of your baby resulted in tragedy at the hands of a careless doctor, contact our firm to set up a free consultation. We are committed to ensuring that you receive compensation for any costs that a doctor’s failure to address fetal distress caused you and your family. You put your trust, your life, and the life of your child in your doctor’s hands; don’t let him get away with medical malpractice.

Please contact our reputable law firm for passionate legal advocacy.